首页 >> 行业动态 >>咖啡行业动态 >> English Corner| 制作完美意式浓缩咖啡的15个关键要素(上)

English Corner| 制作完美意式浓缩咖啡的15个关键要素(上)

There are so many different varieties of coffee, so below is a guide to the 15 key elements you will need to produce the perfect 「espresso」. We will introduce 8 of them today.


1. Freshness [fre?n?s] — 新鲜

Always start with「freshly roasted」 coffee, 5-14days is best. Freshly ground and dosed within 1 minute of「grinding」.


2. Grind size [ɡra?nd] [sa?z] — 研磨程度

A fine grind size makes the best espresso. Just coarser than flour is ideal.


3. Dosing  ['do?s??] — 定量

You need to use the correct amount of coffee in the 「basket」. Normally 2-4g. more than the basket size, so if you use an 18 gram basket try 20-22g.


4. Tamping [?t?mp??] — 压粉

Your tamping needs to be flat with even pressure using a small amount of body weight, then polish lightly. Make sure you use 「atamp」 that fits the filter basket tightly.


5. Volume of coffee [?v?lju:m] — 咖啡的量

We used to say 25-35ml now we talk in grams due to fresh coffee producing more 「crema」 and less liquid. The best espresso is in between 18-35g.


6. Extraction time [?k?str?k?n] — 萃取时间

24-35 seconds.


7. Amount of ground coffee —  咖啡粉的量

The best espresso is made using 「adouble shot」. That’s 2 espresso made from the same basket pouring at the same time and using between 18-28g of ground coffee in the basket.


8. Filter baskets ['f?lt?(r)] [?bɑ:sk?ts] — 过滤粉碗

Filter baskets that are laser cut, like VST, have close to no variations and will produce 「aconsistency」. You will not get using standard baskets.





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