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教你如何做香喷喷的牛油饼干 Learn how to bake cookies.




材料:安佳黄油 Anchor butter :200g (我用的是无盐的)

糖粉 Sugar:120克

鸡蛋 Egg : 2个

低筋面粉 Low-gluten flour: 400g

1,先把黄油放在室温里软化。不要求快!不要放到微波炉。然后放到用打蛋器打匀.Warm up the butter enough to work with by placing it on the counter, rather than in the microwave. Absolutely never melt it in order to mix it into the dough.

Beat it



Add sugar,mix the two until a sort of paste is formed.


3,加鸡蛋,先加一个!只加一个先!要打至完全融合了,才能加下一个! Add egg! one at a time, beat untill completly mixed, then add the next one.


Continue beating! till smoth,then add the next egg.


4,加低筋面粉。最好过一下筛,比较细腻哈。打蛋器的童鞋,你们应该换成搅面的那个头了。Add Low-gluten flour. Stir to



A great practice is to cool your dough in the fridge for an hour before rolling it out.

我有这个超实用的饼干挤花的呀,一枪一个饼干。可以有。少做的就免啦、手上沾一些面粉,防粘呀。自己用手捏一个圆 挤扁就好啦。这个过程就可以加些你喜欢的东西啦,越蔓莓,杏仁啥的,喜欢啥加啥,就不试范了哈。

请使用烤盘纸 Use parchment paper.

Dust hands lightly with flour. This prevents the dough from sticking to your hands. Roll each cookie smoothly between your palms. Take time when molding fancy shapes so that all the cookies look the same.


所以建议:上下火,中层,180C. 30分钟。也关系你饼干的厚度哈,还有烤多层的话,时间也更长!要多观察,烤到表面金黄了!就好啦!

烤好了,让它们放个五分钟左右 再拿下来,这样它们底下会结实一些,不然容易碎。


Heat the oven for 5 to 10 minutes before baking cookies.

Every oven is different and it is important for you to know how yours behaves. If you know what to expect, then you can find ways to work around the expected problems.

Suggest: 180C, 30mins

Place dough on cool cookie sheets. This will prevent the dough from melting and spreading before baking. Space them carefully to avoid unattractive run-together cookies.

Let your cookies sit on the pan for a few minutes before taking them off. This will let them firm up on the bottom, making them much easier to eat.

Let it cool down, and .....EAT!!!!!

Thank you!! if you want to see my creation,you can also follow my peronal wechat where i will post the cake pics.

if you want to order cakes,cupcakes for any occasion, please add my wechat:maymeigy

or scan the the QR code below:
亲们,需要定购翻糖饼干,蛋糕,纸杯蛋糕等,可以加我私人微信号:maymeigy. 或扫一扫上面的图。




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