Guest bartender at Xian | 仙吧客座调酒师Xian Bar is welcoming guest bartender Adam Robinson on May 31st from 8pm onward. Don't miss out on the rare oppotunity to meet this Taipei based bartender, and try out his signature cocktail menu available at Xian for one night only. Adam's career in the cocktail world began over a decade ago while working at Momofuku Ss?m Bar in New York City. Since then he's helped shape the bar scene in Portland, Oregon, most notably while working at the Rum Club. He's been lucky enough to fulfill his wanderlust by living and working abroad both in the Caribbean and to his most recent venture of managing Ounce in Taipei, where he helped them become one of Asia's 50 Best Bars. He is currently traveling throughout Asia before returning to Portland to start the next chapter in his career. 五月31日,别错过著名调酒师Adam Robinson 在仙吧的客座调酒。晚8点开始,来一睹他别具一格的风度,品尝不同以往的味道吧。当晚更有Adam特调鸡尾酒可选,仅此一夜。 曾经就职于纽约Momofuku Ss?m 酒吧的Adam是以旅行世界为灵感的绅士调酒师。他曾就职于被评为亚洲最佳前50名的Ounce酒吧。位于台北的Ounce是一个隐藏在一间朴素街头咖啡店秘门后面的鸡尾酒酒吧。于2012年开业的这家酒吧注重基酒的运用,并且不提供酒单。每位有幸进入的顾客,服务员都会专注招待,无论是点一杯经典鸡尾酒还是请调酒师即兴调制,都能够确保满足他们的要求。想要感受这私密又别具一格的味觉享受,就标记好您的日历吧。 Xian仙 酒吧(SamXIANbar) 免责声明:杭州酷德教育官网转载上述内容,对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、合法性、可操作性或可用性承担任何责任,仅供读者参阅! |