鹅岛潮流 | IPA调酒配方 Refreshingly Different | Beer Cocktails对啤酒风格了如指掌的精酿达人?喝不惯IPA的苦味却对酒花香气情有独钟?啤酒鸡尾酒也许能给你些新的答案。 将各种口感香气的酒精饮料混合,创造融合且前所未有的丰富层次感早已不是新鲜话题。但对于精酿啤酒为基础的创作,如何各取所长又不失啤酒原本的个性,却是值得探索的尝试。 突出啤酒本身的气质,只添加少量烈酒或香料提味,是精酿鸡尾酒的不二法则。以鹅岛的三款经典啤酒为例:索菲艾尔富含鲜橙清香,绵密而丰盛,香甜而不腻,只需几滴上等金酒,便能从甜美中收获野性;醺然艾尔麦香十足最适合经典配方的Old Fashion。而酒花味十足的鹅岛IPA,前有松香后有热带水果的香气,层次丰富使得搭配也成了美学。下面我们就公布独家秘方,如果想喝现成的,也可以乘凉风习习的季节来鹅岛屋顶快闪吧点上一杯。 Beer cocktails are proving to be a hot bar trend in 2016.The diversity of flavors and styles that have become available since the craft beer revolution allow bartenders’ creativity to go wild and use beer to create cocktails with great complexity and depth of flavor.
For example: the bright citrus, sweet & sour notes of Sofie just beg for a little bit of gin, and Honker’s biscuity, malt backbone would love to go straight into a classic old fashioned.
This Grapefruit & IPA combination is proving a big hit for us at the Landing Strip – try it out at home and then come and compare notes! We’ll be pouring different beer cocktails Wednesday-Sunday until the end of October (address and map below).
Cheers! 材料 Ingredients
90ml 鹅岛IPA Goose IPA 30ml 伏特加 Vodka 90ml 鲜榨西柚汁 Grapefruit juice 2 黄瓜薄条 Cucumber ribbons 1 西柚片 Slice of grapefruit 15ml 罗勒原液 (1茶匙糖,1/2茶匙水,1/2茶匙新鲜罗勒叶搅碎混合)Basil simple syrup (1cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of water, and 1/2 cup of washed basil leaves – bring to simmer, steep, strain) 6 新鲜罗勒叶 Basil leaves
制作方法 Method
伏特加,西柚汁及罗勒原汁加冰,充分摇晃混合。 杯中加入黄瓜薄片,西柚片,鲜罗勒叶;倒入鹅岛IPA搅拌 罗勒叶点缀,成功! Add vodka, grapefruit juice & simple syrup to a shaker with ice. Shake. Add cucumber ribbon, grapefruit slice, basil leaves and Goose IPA, stir thoroughly. Basil leaf garnish. 周三-周五:下午4点-晚上11点 周六-周日:下午2点-晚上11点 优惠活动: 地址: 南京西路1376号 上海商城西翼2楼露台(丽兹卡尔顿酒店旁) Opening Hours: Wednesday – Friday: 4pm – 11pm Weekly Promotions: Where: Shanghai Centre West Wing (1376 Nanjing West Road, Jing'An district.) 鹅岛快闪吧开业至十月底,来屋顶和我们调调酒吹吹风! GooseIsland鹅岛精酿啤酒(gh_8571f166fec3) 免责声明:杭州酷德教育官网转载上述内容,对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、合法性、可操作性或可用性承担任何责任,仅供读者参阅! |