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A simple act of charity and generosity that started in a coffee shop in Naples, Italy, is spreading around the world and has become a trending topic on Sina Weibo. It’s called “Suspended Coffee”.


The idea is simple: At participating cafes, you can pay for your own coffee as well as a second one, which can then be claimed later by someone in need.


In Italy, suspended coffee or “Caffe Sospeso” has been around for 100 years.

在意大利,“待用咖啡”(编者注:意大利语称其为“Caffe Sospeso”)已有近百年的历史了。

The Neapolitan writer Luciano de Crescenzo, author of Suspended Coffee: Daily Wisdom in Small Sips, told NPR about its origins.


“It was a beautiful custom,” he recalls. “When a person who had a break of good luck entered a cafe and ordered a cup of coffee, he didn’t pay just for one, but for two cups, allowing someone less fortunate who entered later to have a cup of coffee for free.”


Baristas would keep a record of the purchase and when someone down on their luck walked into the cafe and asked “Is there anything suspended?”, the barista would nod and give them a cup of coffee for free.


It’s an elegant way to show generosity and is based on good faith. The donors and recipients never meet each other, the donor doesn’t show off and the recipient doesn’t have to show gratitude.


Now, tough economic times and growing poverty in much of Europe are reviving this tradition. The NPR reported that the practice is now spreading to other parts of Europe and the prepaid cup of coffee has become a symbol of grassroots solidarity.


In Bulgaria, more than 150 cafes have joined an initiative modeled on the suspended coffee tradition.


In Spain, Gonzalo Sapina, a young man from Barcelona, started a network called “Cafes Pendientes” (pending coffees) and promoted the initiative among numerous coffee shops.

在西班牙,来自巴塞罗那的年轻人冈萨罗?萨比那创立了名为“待用咖啡” 的网站(编者注:在西班牙语中,待用咖啡被成为“Cafes Pendientes”),在众多咖啡馆中推行该善举。

In France, several cafes now do similarly by carrying the logo “Cafe en attente (waiting coffee)”.

如今,在法国,一些咖啡馆打出“待用咖啡”(编者注:法语中,待用咖啡可以用“Cafe en attente”来表示)的标识,来加入这一善举。

There is even a website (CoffeeSharing.com) that lists cafes that have joined the Suspended Coffee initiative — the countries on the list include the UK, Hungary, Australia and Canada.


Starbucks in the UK has developed its own version of the initiative, The Huffington Post reported. The coffee chain will match the value of each suspended coffee with a cash donation to a charity.


But not everyone thinks suspended coffee is a good idea. An article on the website Consumerist points out that the practice could result in “greedy, cheap jerks” taking advantage of others’ good will. Also, it adds, if we want to help poor people, perhaps we should try having actual contact with them in order to truly understand their situations and needs.



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